Image Source :trustedreviews

For the first time, a source in the technology world has claimed that Apple will launch both iPhone 15 Pro Max and 15 Ultra models.

To date, many reports have been published about the iPhone 15 series, and some of them announce the launch of the iPhone 15 Ultra instead of the Pro Max. But now a new rumor says that Apple will unveil both models; That is, both the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Ultra model!

One of the sources of the technology world, Majin Bo, who has published correct information about Apple products in the past, has claimed in a tweet that Apple will not replace the Ultra model with the Pro Max, but we are facing two devices.

iPhone 15 Pro Max and 15 Ultra, Apple’s two flagships for 2023

According to Majin Bo, the iPhone 15 Ultra will be a new model and will be higher than the Pro Max model in terms of specifications and price. The source says that some frame manufacturers have indicated that the Pro Max and Ultra models are separate. In addition, Pro Max will not be the best model of this year.

Bo is sure that Apple has tested two different iPhones with 6.7-inch displays, but he doesn’t know for sure if both will be released.

In any case, if the statements of Majin Bo’s sources are true, the iPhone 15 Pro Max will be equipped with 6 GB of RAM and 1 TB of internal memory in the highest version. On the other hand, the iPhone 15 Ultra will arrive with a maximum of 8 GB of RAM and 2 TB of internal memory, and of course, it will have a better camera performance than the Pro Max.

Finally, we must point out that considering that until today only one report has mentioned the release of iPhone 15 Pro Max and Ultra as separate models, we cannot be very sure about it. In addition, the information provided by the manufacturers may not be correct.

On the other hand, Mingchi Ku says…

iPhone 15 Pro Max is going to use a feature that makes it more popular than other models in this series.

Ming-Chi Kuo, one of the most reliable analysts in the field of technology, believes that the iPhone 15 Pro Max will have a key feature that will make this phone much more popular among users compared to the other two models. This feature is the periscope lens that increases the zoom ability of this phone from 3 times to 5 to 6 times.

As can be seen from the rumors, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is going to use a periscope camera, which will actually be called the first phone in the history of Apple. The telephoto camera has been in Apple phones since 2019, but in none of them, the zoom rate has not exceeded 3 times, but it is said that in the best expected Apple flagship, this amount reaches 5 to 6 times, which is a significant improvement. comes.

Ming-Chi Kuo believes that in 2024, the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max may both be equipped with this lens, and as a result of this upgrade, the sales of these phones may be about 70% in the second six months of 2025 compared to the iPhone this year. We will see iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max..

Kuo also predicted that the iPhone 15 Pro Max or Ultra will account for 35-40% of iPhone sales in the second half of this year, which means that the powerful Apple representative is likely to outperform the iPhone 14 Pro Max by 10-20%. It will be related to sales. The largest supplier of the periscopic lens for the new iPhone will be Largan, which currently supplies about 60% of the periscopic lens for Huawei phones.

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