If you are interested in learning about the history of the GTA series of games, we suggest you stay with us until the end of this article.

The Grand Theft Auto series, or GTA for short, is an action-adventure game that was first created in 1997 by David Jones and Mike Dailly. The title was later developed under the supervision of Dan and Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies and Aaron Garbut. This game was originally developed by the British branch of Rockstar North (formerly known as DMA Design) and published by Rockstar Games. The term grand theft auto is used in the United States for vehicle theft.

History of the GTA series of games

Most of the events of the GTA game episodes take place in fictional cities, some of which are named after real areas such as “Liberty City”, “Vice City” and “San Andreas”, respectively. They are located in New York, Miami and California. The first version of the game took place in three cities, but later episodes focused only on one city. The gameplay is in the open world style and the player can choose the next missions and direct the way the story is told. There are also side missions. The action-adventure style of the game leaves the player free to experience all kinds of stages; Such as driving stages, third-person shooting, car theft, role-playing, doing stealth stages and even participating in car racing.

In the GTA series of games, the focus of the main characters is on growth and promotion in the world of criminals, although the motivations are different in each game. The game also has “hit go ahead” elements, inspired by old 16-bit games like Riot City. The negative characters of the game are generally those who betrayed the main character or their organization or tried to stop his growth and development. Many famous people have been responsible for voicing the characters of the game, including Ray Liotta, Samuel L. Jackson” (Samuel L. Jackson) and “Peter Fonda” (Peter Fonda) pointed out.

DMA Design released the first version of the GTA game series in 1997. As of the end of 2019, eleven GTA games and four versions with additional content have been released. The third version of this game, GTA 3, is considered a special title, because it was at this time that the game changed from 2D to 3D. The subsequent versions were also made with the principles and rules of this version and were able to attract the opinions of critics and fans in each episode. This game appeared so powerful and successful that it was able to influence other open world games as well.

The GTA game series, which has appeared very successful both in terms of critics’ scores and in terms of sales, has been able to sell more than 280 million copies in the world, and its income is calculated to be more than 9 billion. This game was able to be included in the list of the fourth best-selling game in the world; Behind games like Mario, Tetris and Pokemon. In 2006, GTA was included in the UK’s Best Game Design list. In 2013, the Telegraph website listed Grand Theft Auto as the “most successful British export”. The game has also been discussed for having adult scenes and high violence. You can also read the latest published information about GTA 6 from this link.

DMA Design released the first version of the GTA game series in 1997. As of the end of 2019, eleven GTA games and four versions with additional content have been released. The third version of this game, GTA 3, is considered a special title, because it was at this time that the game changed from 2D to 3D. The subsequent versions were also made with the principles and rules of this version and were able to attract the opinions of critics and fans in each episode. This game appeared so powerful and successful that it was able to influence other open world games as well.

The GTA game series, which has appeared very successful both in terms of critics’ scores and in terms of sales, has been able to sell more than 280 million copies in the world, and its income is calculated to be more than 9 billion. This game was able to be included in the list of the fourth best-selling game in the world; Behind games like Mario, Tetris and Pokemon. In 2006, GTA was included in the UK’s Best Game Design list. In 2013, the Telegraph website listed Grand Theft Auto as the “most successful British export”. The game has also been discussed for having adult scenes and high violence.

Gta V game review

With the release of GTA V in 2013, Rockstar Games, a New York game company, showed off its power and ability to create open world games, and on the day of the game’s release, it sold more than 800 million dollars of this game, and even in the year Later, despite the release of Open World games such as Just Cause 3, MadMax and Whats Dogs 2, all three of which were fierce competitors of GTA V, the popularity and fans of GTA V did not decrease and we all witnessed the commotion and There was a lot of noise about this game before and especially after its release. The ps4 game GTA V was first introduced in 2013 and in 2015 for PC. It is interesting to know that this game has a Guinness record as the most profitable entertainment in history.

The GTA V game has a total of 69 main stages and 60 sub-stages, and it has three main characters, each of which has different characteristics and abilities, and for each of them, different and attractive stages have been considered that you can play during Switch the game with these three characters, and of course, there are many common stages designed for these three characters, where all three characters engage in theft and war with each other.

In order to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for gamers, Rockstar Games has provided a mode in GTA V where the gamer can continue the game in first person or third person.

Of course, one of the reasons that makes GTA V one of the best games today and separates it from other competitors and gives special popularity to this game is the powerful game engine RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine), which is special The games are owned by Rockstar Games. Rockstar uses this game engine both for its PS4 games and for its PC games.

GTA gameplay

In this section, we will review the features and gameplay elements of GTA games. In the GTI series of games, one of the main features that can be mentioned in terms of entertainment is the gameplay. The gameplay of all GTA games are designed in a way that allows the gamer to seek entertainment in the world and in a free environment. The existence of many challenges along with many stages in each version of the GTA game has made it possible for gamers to participate in this game series for a long time. If you are looking for more information in this regard, it is recommended to stay with us.

In each episode of the GTA series of games, the player had the ability to control a criminal in a big city who wanted to grow within the criminal organization. The player was given various missions by the bosses and important people of the city, which had to be done to tell the story of the game. Killing of private individuals and other acts of violence were normal features of each mission. Sometimes driving a taxi, helping to put out a fire, street rally races, driving a bus or learning to fly a helicopter were among other features of the first version.

In later versions, especially after the release of Grand Theft Auto 2, a richer story was included in the game, where the player had to face unfortunate events (for example, the main character was betrayed and then left to die) that served as motivation. It was possible for the player to want to reach the higher ranks of the organization, which always ended in victory.

Game characters

First character: Trevor is crazy!

Trevor Phillips, a 44-year-old military veteran, is a complete lunatic and lives in the Blaine County desert. By playing this game, you will realize how crazy this character is, to the point where you will be ashamed of killing people unnecessarily by doing some steps by assassinating yourself. However, assassination is a character that makes the game more diverse and exciting. slow

Trevor is inspired by the character of Steven Ogg, a Canadian actor, and even Rockstar Games has assigned Trevor’s in-game voices to this actor to make the game closer to reality.

Although Trevor is a mental patient and has an anti-social personality and a very violent character in this game, he is also a very loyal person.

Trevor and Michael are friends and colleagues from the beginning of the game, but after the heavy failure they suffer in a big bank robbery, they don’t meet each other until years later.

Trevor is a skilled pilot and cannot be controlled from the beginning of the game, but from the proluge stage, where he steals with Franklin and Michael, he can be controlled by the gamer and the gamer can switch between all three characters.

Second character: Michael, white beard plural

Michael de Santa is a distinct character and a family man, and he is the oldest character among these 3 characters. He lives on top of the hills modeled after the real Beverly Hills, above the city of Los Santos, and has two children, Jamie and Tracy. His daughter Tracy, who only thinks about having fun and seeking fame, and his son Jimmy, who has a special game room, and his whole life and concern is eating, sleeping and playing!

His wife Amanda spends Michael’s money on her pleasures. Michael and his wife Amanda have problems with each other and hate each other, but later on, with the occurrence of various events in the stages of the game, the relationship between the two gradually improves.

Michael is based on the 55-year-old character of Ned Luke, who is an American actor and has appeared in 29 movies so far, and is a classy and almost positive character compared to Trevor and Franklin in this game.

Michael is a very skilled and skilled person in robbing banks and gold shops, but because of the contract he signed with the American FBI, he has stopped doing illegal activities. He starts and brings Franklin along with him in his work.

The third character: Franklin, the god of Pheromone

Franklin is one of the well-known and popular characters of the GTA V game, which has been in the game since the beginning

Gta:San Andress, of course, has been a bit uglier with the famous white undershirt that everyone knows, and is more popular among gamers than the previous two characters.

The character of Franklin is also taken from Shawn Fonteno, who is an American actor and rapper from Los Angeles, and he is responsible for the voices of Franklin in this game.

Franklin, who is the youngest character among the three main characters, is a 20-year-old African American. He is a young and clever hat picker as well as a professional driver, and you can use Franklin’s special ability while driving, so that by pressing the Caps Lock button, the game will go into slow motion and you can go through the turns. Turn easily and have healthy overtaking. With this power, you can easily win in city car driving races or motor boat races by spending a little bit of ingenuity.

Franklin works at a luxury car dealership. In an interesting story, he enters Michael’s house for the purpose of stealing and after stealing his car on the way, unaware that Michael is inside the car, he falls into Michael’s trap, and from there he meets Michael.

Summary of the story of GTA v

We don’t intend to spoil the game, so we will briefly tell you the story of the game.

The story of GTA V starts from here when Michael and Trevor along with one of their colleagues rob a bank and suffer a heavy failure from this robbery so that their colleague is killed, Michael is seriously injured and Trevor runs away. put

After this scene, the game goes to a few years later where Michael has become a family man and has a normal life. After that, you start the game with the character of Franklin, who started the game with a bicycle in the version of San Andres, this time you start the game by stealing a car.

Later, these three characters get to know each other due to the interesting adventures that happen to them, and they carry out their work and plans to rob banks and jewelry stores, this time professionally, and the money They pocket a lot.

Gta V game has many different levels so that you will experience everything from piloting to submarine driving, racing cars, jet engines, boats, heavy engines and all while passing through the various levels of the game.

For example, in one stage of this game, after robbing a bank, you will face the police with iron armor and a barrage gun, and you will kill many policemen, of course, the policemen will not stop and come to you with a tank. They come and you have to be very careful and somehow escape from them.

And the bitter end of the game!

By going through all the stages, you will reach a bitter and mentally difficult stage!

You, who have been dealing with these three characters for hours and have created memories with each of them, will finally be forced to end the stages of this game, by your choice and by two other characters, to the life of one of the characters. End it!!! After completing all the steps, you can roam freely in the city and rob banks, buy land and houses in the city, and you can even go to the cinema and spend time or play darts or golf. Increase your character’s abilities.

Short but interesting facts about the game

In the game, when you get out of the car and the car turns off, a small sound “Tink Tink Tink” is heard, which is actually the sound of the car’s coolers turning off.

Also, when you are talking on the phone in the car, because you are holding the steering wheel with your other hand, you cannot turn the lights on or off.

Various mods have been made for the GTA V game and you can enter the infinite world by downloading and installing the mods and enjoy the game to the fullest. For example, there is a mod that if you install it, the graphics of the game will increase significantly, and also a mod that by installing it, you will be able to control various devices in the city, including traffic lights, with your phone, just like in the game Whats Dogs 2. Or even hack people’s cell phones!

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If you are interested in learning about the history of the GTA series of games, we suggest you stay with us until the end of this article.

The Grand Theft Auto series, or GTA for short, is an action-adventure game that was first created in 1997 by David Jones and Mike Dailly. The title was later developed under the supervision of Dan and Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies and Aaron Garbut. This game was originally developed by the British branch of Rockstar North (formerly known as DMA Design) and published by Rockstar Games. The term grand theft auto is used in the United States for vehicle theft.

History of the GTA series of games

Most of the events of the GTA game episodes take place in fictional cities, some of which are named after real areas such as “Liberty City”, “Vice City” and “San Andreas”, respectively. They are located in New York, Miami and California. The first version of the game took place in three cities, but later episodes focused only on one city. The gameplay is in the open world style and the player can choose the next missions and direct the way the story is told. There are also side missions. The action-adventure style of the game leaves the player free to experience all kinds of stages; Such as driving stages, third-person shooting, car theft, role-playing, doing stealth stages and even participating in car racing.

In the GTA series of games, the focus of the main characters is on growth and promotion in the world of criminals, although the motivations are different in each game. The game also has “hit go ahead” elements, inspired by old 16-bit games like Riot City. The negative characters of the game are generally those who betrayed the main character or their organization or tried to stop his growth and development. Many famous people have been responsible for voicing the characters of the game, including Ray Liotta, Samuel L. Jackson” (Samuel L. Jackson) and “Peter Fonda” (Peter Fonda) pointed out.

DMA Design released the first version of the GTA game series in 1997. As of the end of 2019, eleven GTA games and four versions with additional content have been released. The third version of this game, GTA 3, is considered a special title, because it was at this time that the game changed from 2D to 3D. The subsequent versions were also made with the principles and rules of this version and were able to attract the opinions of critics and fans in each episode. This game appeared so powerful and successful that it was able to influence other open world games as well.

The GTA game series, which has appeared very successful both in terms of critics’ scores and in terms of sales, has been able to sell more than 280 million copies in the world, and its income is calculated to be more than 9 billion. This game was able to be included in the list of the fourth best-selling game in the world; Behind games like Mario, Tetris and Pokemon. In 2006, GTA was included in the UK’s Best Game Design list. In 2013, the Telegraph website listed Grand Theft Auto as the “most successful British export”. The game has also been discussed for having adult scenes and high violence. You can also read the latest published information about GTA 6 from this link.

DMA Design released the first version of the GTA game series in 1997. As of the end of 2019, eleven GTA games and four versions with additional content have been released. The third version of this game, GTA 3, is considered a special title, because it was at this time that the game changed from 2D to 3D. The subsequent versions were also made with the principles and rules of this version and were able to attract the opinions of critics and fans in each episode. This game appeared so powerful and successful that it was able to influence other open world games as well.

The GTA game series, which has appeared very successful both in terms of critics’ scores and in terms of sales, has been able to sell more than 280 million copies in the world, and its income is calculated to be more than 9 billion. This game was able to be included in the list of the fourth best-selling game in the world; Behind games like Mario, Tetris and Pokemon. In 2006, GTA was included in the UK’s Best Game Design list. In 2013, the Telegraph website listed Grand Theft Auto as the “most successful British export”. The game has also been discussed for having adult scenes and high violence.

Gta V game review

With the release of GTA V in 2013, Rockstar Games, a New York game company, showed off its power and ability to create open world games, and on the day of the game’s release, it sold more than 800 million dollars of this game, and even in the year Later, despite the release of Open World games such as Just Cause 3, MadMax and Whats Dogs 2, all three of which were fierce competitors of GTA V, the popularity and fans of GTA V did not decrease and we all witnessed the commotion and There was a lot of noise about this game before and especially after its release. The ps4 game GTA V was first introduced in 2013 and in 2015 for PC. It is interesting to know that this game has a Guinness record as the most profitable entertainment in history.

The GTA V game has a total of 69 main stages and 60 sub-stages, and it has three main characters, each of which has different characteristics and abilities, and for each of them, different and attractive stages have been considered that you can play during Switch the game with these three characters, and of course, there are many common stages designed for these three characters, where all three characters engage in theft and war with each other.

In order to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for gamers, Rockstar Games has provided a mode in GTA V where the gamer can continue the game in first person or third person.

Of course, one of the reasons that makes GTA V one of the best games today and separates it from other competitors and gives special popularity to this game is the powerful game engine RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine), which is special The games are owned by Rockstar Games. Rockstar uses this game engine both for its PS4 games and for its PC games.

GTA gameplay

In this section, we will review the features and gameplay elements of GTA games. In the GTI series of games, one of the main features that can be mentioned in terms of entertainment is the gameplay. The gameplay of all GTA games are designed in a way that allows the gamer to seek entertainment in the world and in a free environment. The existence of many challenges along with many stages in each version of the GTA game has made it possible for gamers to participate in this game series for a long time. If you are looking for more information in this regard, it is recommended to stay with us.

In each episode of the GTA series of games, the player had the ability to control a criminal in a big city who wanted to grow within the criminal organization. The player was given various missions by the bosses and important people of the city, which had to be done to tell the story of the game. Killing of private individuals and other acts of violence were normal features of each mission. Sometimes driving a taxi, helping to put out a fire, street rally races, driving a bus or learning to fly a helicopter were among other features of the first version.

In later versions, especially after the release of Grand Theft Auto 2, a richer story was included in the game, where the player had to face unfortunate events (for example, the main character was betrayed and then left to die) that served as motivation. It was possible for the player to want to reach the higher ranks of the organization, which always ended in victory.

Game characters

First character: Trevor is crazy!

Trevor Phillips, a 44-year-old military veteran, is a complete lunatic and lives in the Blaine County desert. By playing this game, you will realize how crazy this character is, to the point where you will be ashamed of killing people unnecessarily by doing some steps by assassinating yourself. However, assassination is a character that makes the game more diverse and exciting. slow

Trevor is inspired by the character of Steven Ogg, a Canadian actor, and even Rockstar Games has assigned Trevor’s in-game voices to this actor to make the game closer to reality.

Although Trevor is a mental patient and has an anti-social personality and a very violent character in this game, he is also a very loyal person.

Trevor and Michael are friends and colleagues from the beginning of the game, but after the heavy failure they suffer in a big bank robbery, they don’t meet each other until years later.

Trevor is a skilled pilot and cannot be controlled from the beginning of the game, but from the proluge stage, where he steals with Franklin and Michael, he can be controlled by the gamer and the gamer can switch between all three characters.

Second character: Michael, white beard plural

Michael de Santa is a distinct character and a family man, and he is the oldest character among these 3 characters. He lives on top of the hills modeled after the real Beverly Hills, above the city of Los Santos, and has two children, Jamie and Tracy. His daughter Tracy, who only thinks about having fun and seeking fame, and his son Jimmy, who has a special game room, and his whole life and concern is eating, sleeping and playing!

His wife Amanda spends Michael’s money on her pleasures. Michael and his wife Amanda have problems with each other and hate each other, but later on, with the occurrence of various events in the stages of the game, the relationship between the two gradually improves.

Michael is based on the 55-year-old character of Ned Luke, who is an American actor and has appeared in 29 movies so far, and is a classy and almost positive character compared to Trevor and Franklin in this game.

Michael is a very skilled and skilled person in robbing banks and gold shops, but because of the contract he signed with the American FBI, he has stopped doing illegal activities. He starts and brings Franklin along with him in his work.

The third character: Franklin, the god of Pheromone

Franklin is one of the well-known and popular characters of the GTA V game, which has been in the game since the beginning

Gta:San Andress, of course, has been a bit uglier with the famous white undershirt that everyone knows, and is more popular among gamers than the previous two characters.

The character of Franklin is also taken from Shawn Fonteno, who is an American actor and rapper from Los Angeles, and he is responsible for the voices of Franklin in this game.

Franklin, who is the youngest character among the three main characters, is a 20-year-old African American. He is a young and clever hat picker as well as a professional driver, and you can use Franklin’s special ability while driving, so that by pressing the Caps Lock button, the game will go into slow motion and you can go through the turns. Turn easily and have healthy overtaking. With this power, you can easily win in city car driving races or motor boat races by spending a little bit of ingenuity.

Franklin works at a luxury car dealership. In an interesting story, he enters Michael’s house for the purpose of stealing and after stealing his car on the way, unaware that Michael is inside the car, he falls into Michael’s trap, and from there he meets Michael.

Summary of the story of GTA v

We don’t intend to spoil the game, so we will briefly tell you the story of the game.

The story of GTA V starts from here when Michael and Trevor along with one of their colleagues rob a bank and suffer a heavy failure from this robbery so that their colleague is killed, Michael is seriously injured and Trevor runs away. put

After this scene, the game goes to a few years later where Michael has become a family man and has a normal life. After that, you start the game with the character of Franklin, who started the game with a bicycle in the version of San Andres, this time you start the game by stealing a car.

Later, these three characters get to know each other due to the interesting adventures that happen to them, and they carry out their work and plans to rob banks and jewelry stores, this time professionally, and the money They pocket a lot.

Gta V game has many different levels so that you will experience everything from piloting to submarine driving, racing cars, jet engines, boats, heavy engines and all while passing through the various levels of the game.

For example, in one stage of this game, after robbing a bank, you will face the police with iron armor and a barrage gun, and you will kill many policemen, of course, the policemen will not stop and come to you with a tank. They come and you have to be very careful and somehow escape from them.

And the bitter end of the game!

By going through all the stages, you will reach a bitter and mentally difficult stage!

You, who have been dealing with these three characters for hours and have created memories with each of them, will finally be forced to end the stages of this game, by your choice and by two other characters, to the life of one of the characters. End it!!! After completing all the steps, you can roam freely in the city and rob banks, buy land and houses in the city, and you can even go to the cinema and spend time or play darts or golf. Increase your character’s abilities.

Short but interesting facts about the game

In the game, when you get out of the car and the car turns off, a small sound “Tink Tink Tink” is heard, which is actually the sound of the car’s coolers turning off.

Also, when you are talking on the phone in the car, because you are holding the steering wheel with your other hand, you cannot turn the lights on or off.

Various mods have been made for the GTA V game and you can enter the infinite world by downloading and installing the mods and enjoy the game to the fullest. For example, there is a mod that if you install it, the graphics of the game will increase significantly, and also a mod that by installing it, you will be able to control various devices in the city, including traffic lights, with your phone, just like in the game Whats Dogs 2. Or even hack people’s cell phones!

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