
Next week, Apple will unveil iPhone 15 series phones with USB-C port; A port that the company resisted adding to the iPhone for years.

You have probably heard that Apple is going to use the Type-C port instead of the Lightning port in the iPhone 15 after many years, the phones that are going to be introduced in a ceremony on September 21 and will be available from the end of September and the beginning of October. But do you know why Apple made such a decision? Did you know that this American manufacturer was actually forced to move to a Type-C port?

If the European Union hadn’t pressured Apple, the company would probably have been using the Lightning port on the iPhone for a few more years until it could remove the charger port from its phones and move toward a future where iPhones only charge wirelessly.

Despite this, the European Union’s power is reaching the most valuable brand in the world. According to the new European law, phone manufacturers must equip all their devices with USB-C ports by the end of next year.

Europe’s USB-C rule affects Apple more than any other company; Because this company has resisted changing the iPhone charging port for years. Apple is in a bad position right now. The company is forced to embrace a port it never intended to add to the iPhone.

Bloomberg news agency says that in this ceremony we will see the unveiling of Apple AirPods Pro headphones with USB-C port.

One of the most important features of Apple is its marketing team, which is led by Greg Jazwiak. Last year, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Jazwiak smartly stated that both USB-C and Lightning are the best charging ports in the world.

This American company is very likely to talk about the many advantages of the Type-C port at the presentation ceremony of the iPhone 15 series, and we will definitely hear sentences like the following:

  • From now on, users can charge their iPhone, iPad and Mac with the same charger.
  • The speed of data transfer in new iPhones is much better than before.
  • Charging speed has increased.
  • iPhones will now be compatible with Android chargers.

Of course, keep in mind that this change also has disadvantages for Apple. These include:

  • Sales of the company’s accessories that use the Lightning port will definitely decrease.
  • This change will be costly for Apple and it will have to change part of the production line.
  • Equalizing the charger with Android phones will probably reduce the sales of Apple adapters and make it easier for users to move to Android.
  • Not all users may welcome this change, just like what happened with Coach’s move to the Lightning port in 2012 and when Apple removed the 3.5mm headphone jack in 2016.

Without European pressure, Apple would never have agreed to change the iPhone port

Now it’s time for Apple’s marketing team to test itself again. In the ceremony on September 21, Apple will use all its power to make the change of iPhone charging port a positive event for users. Therefore, it is not unlikely that when the iPhone 15 is unveiled, such benefits will be mentioned: the ability to charge all devices with one cable, increase the data transfer speed, increase the charging speed, and the ability to charge the iPhone with cables and adapters compatible with billions of other devices.

Apple was never willing to change the port of the iPhone! Why should the company take such a positive approach to using USB-C? Because Apple has defined an important rule for itself: when you introduce a new product or need to deal with the media, always be in a position of power. It is unlikely that Apple will mention the European Union law or the criticisms it has made of government interference in the phone charging port at the ceremony on 21 September.

Apple had repeated arguments when it continued to resist changing the iPhone port. The company emphasized that changing the port of the iPhone causes damage to the environment; Because billions of cables will be thrown into the trash at once. Another important argument that Apple and especially the global marketing director of this company has maneuvered on is the need to deal with government interference in product design.

Apple has an unwritten rule: “When introducing a new product or dealing with the media, always be in a position of power.”

When making speakers, adapters, car accessories, and other devices with a Lightning connector, accessory manufacturers must obtain a special license called Made for iPhone or MFI by paying Apple.

Companies that receive an MFI license can sell accessories through Apple’s official retail channels. Apple gets paid to offer these accessories in its stores.

In the last decade, Apple has managed to build a giant ecosystem for Lightning accessories by partnering with other companies. Apple earns tens of millions of dollars in revenue each season by selling MFI licenses to accessory manufacturers.

Some rumors say that Apple is looking to limit iPhone charging speeds with cables that don’t receive MFI certification. This action will encourage users to buy MFI cables. Of course, given the ubiquity of USB-C peripherals, changing the iPhone’s charging port will likely reduce Apple’s licensing revenue.

Despite all the benefits, port switching has its problems for Apple. The company earns a lot of revenue annually from the sale of Lightning accessory licenses. By changing the port, a large part of that income is lost overnight. Also, Apple should devote some of its human and financial resources to port switching. Increasing compatibility with the Android ecosystem also makes it easier for users to leave Apple.

Finally, Apple needs to focus on marketing USB-C. The last time the iPhone port was switched to Lightning in 2012, users took a strong stand against Apple. Also, in 2016, when the headphone jack was removed, we saw a lot of criticism from Apple.
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When making speakers, adapters, car accessories, and other devices with a Lightning connector, accessory manufacturers must obtain a special license called Made for iPhone or MFI by paying Apple.

Companies that receive an MFI license can sell accessories through Apple’s official retail channels. Apple gets paid to offer these accessories in its stores.

In the last decade, Apple has managed to build a giant ecosystem for Lightning accessories by partnering with other companies. Apple earns tens of millions of dollars in revenue each season by selling MFI licenses to accessory manufacturers.

Some rumors say that Apple is looking to limit iPhone charging speeds with cables that don’t receive MFI certification. This action will encourage users to buy MFI cables. Of course, given the ubiquity of USB-C peripherals, changing the iPhone’s charging port will likely reduce Apple’s licensing revenue.

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