
Currently, this social network with more than 431 million active users per month (according to statistics at the end of 2021), is considered one of the most powerful and reliable platforms among the world’s largest social networks and has something to say for all kinds of users with different tastes and work fields. . In this article, we are going to see what Pinterest is and how it works. By reading this article, you will probably join the big Pinterest family. Stay with us!

What is Pinterest?

The name of the social network Pinterest is derived from the combination of the two English words Pin meaning Pons and Interest meaning interest. The main reason for this name is that the general form of Pinterest is similar to a set of boards with various topics, where many images, content and links are pinned on these boards (Pin). Search for any topic on Pinterest, you won’t be left empty-handed.

On Pinterest, you will find the best and most creative ideas for whatever you are looking for. If you’re a seamstress and want to learn the latest collar sewing techniques, if you don’t know what to cook for dinner tonight, if you want to learn about the city’s tourist attractions, or even if you’re trying to lose weight and want to find some new moves to melt away belly fat, be sure to check out Pinterest. You will find many ideas.

On the other hand, prime viewer for more and better visibility of your works and pure ideas!

The main feature of this social network is that when you search, instead of a list of sentences and links one after the other (similar to the results page of search engines), you see a series of images arranged neatly and attractively, each of which leads you to They lead to an article or infographic related to that topic. If you are looking for more detailed results, you can use Pinterest’s suggested categories or follow other users whose tastes are close to yours.

History of Pinterest

The development and programming of the social network Pinterest began in 2009 by its current CEO Ben Silberman (Ben Silberman) and his team, and its beta version on the web was made available to the public in 2010. It was in the summer of 2011 that Time magazine included Pinterest in an article on the “50 Best Websites of 2011” list. In the winter of 2011, Pinterest was among the top 10 social networks in the world with over 11 million views per week. Pinterest has now offered its services on the web for use on computers, tablets and mobile phones, and its applications have been available for Android and iOS users for a long time. We have given the link to download different versions of Pinterest below.

How does Pinterest work?

To use Pinterest, you need your own account. In the rest of this section, we will discuss how to work with Pinterest and its tools and features.

Register and login to Pinterest

If you’re new to Pinterest, you’ll need a valid email address and password to sign up. For more convenience, it is also possible to log in directly to the site with a Google or Facebook account. After signing in, Pinterest will ask you to select a number of topics that interest you. These topics may be cooking, carpentry, web design, animation, sports cars, cinema, or any other topic. You can enter the rest of the required information later to complete your account.

Edit user account

After registering on the site, click on the button in the upper right corner and select Edit Settings. In this section, you can edit your profile, change your profile picture, and finally manipulate many other settings such as notifications, sending emails, and more.


Like many other social networks, Pinterest also benefits from two-factor verification. Just click on the word Security in the settings section and activate the two-step verification button. If this option is enabled, every time you log in, you must enter the code that Pinterest sends to your mobile phone by SMS so that you can enter your account.


At the top of the page, there is a bar to search for your words and phrases. Since Pinterest automatically breaks down your search terms word by word and treats each one as a tag, try to keep your search terms short, simple, and specific. In this section, for each term you search, Pinterest will offer you other tags that will make your search more personal and precise. Pay attention to the image below, in this image, by searching for the word “wood”, words such as “design”, “color”, “mixed”, “ice cream” and … are displayed.


The images and videos you see in the home section are known as pins that have been uploaded by different people to Pinterest. If you click on any pin, you will see the name of the person who uploaded it and their comments.


A board is where you store your pins. You can create multiple boards with different topics and categorize your saved pins. Where can I make a board? You can do this from your profile, and it is possible to create a new board when saving the pin.

Creating a board from your profile: Enter your profile and click + on the right side of the screen and create a new board by clicking the board option

Creating a board when saving a pin: When you enter the pin, press the down arrow next to the profile text and create a new board

After making the board, you can put the pins inside these boards when saving.

Share content (upload a pin)

Well, now it’s time to get down to business and share some content with others!

As mentioned, Pinterest is an image-based network by nature. So, just as you share your photos and videos with your friends on Instagram, you can do the same here. Both on the web and in Pinterest applications, you can click the create button, click the pin option and upload the photo or photos you want on your boards.

Of course, Pinterest is not limited to this, in addition to single images, you can define several boards in your profile, assign each one to a topic and place different pins on each one. You are even able to pin the content link on your website on your boards; Pinterest will also find the featured image of your post and display it as a clickable image. For content lovers and content writers (!) this feature of Pinterest is extremely efficient and helps your content to go viral.

Save pins

If you like any pin, click the save button in the corner to save it in your profile. You can even send that pin to your friends on other social networks or different messengers by clicking the send button in the share section. If you click on profile, you will enter your profile and you can see all the photos you have saved so far at once.

Follow users

You can also follow people and see their content on Pinterest. In each pin, you can see which user shared it and you can go to their profile and follow them.

Send and receive messages

In the upper left corner, there is a share symbol, you can share this pin on other social networks or send it to your friends. You can actually chat with your friends. If the person you want is not in the list of messages, it is enough to know their user ID or email address to send the message to them.

Find new topics

In the Explore section, you can freely browse Pinterest. Pinterest can show you trending topics or Pins you might like. By clicking on each pin, dozens or hundreds of other pins are suggested to you, and you can immerse yourself in this ocean of ideas by clicking on each one and see new content as long as you like.

Business account and its facilities for business introduction

During registration, you will be asked to state your gender and identity as an individual. But if you want to use Pinterest as a tool for earning and introducing your business, art or website, we recommend you go to Pinterest Business tools. We will talk more about this later.

There are two general ways to create a business profile on Pinterest:

First solution: Select Create a Business Account when registering, in which case you will be asked for your business name and field of activity.

Second solution: If you have created a normal profile, you can convert your profile to a business profile. For this, just go to the profile section, click on the Account Management option and change Convert to a business account to a business account.

After converting your profile to business mode, you will have more diverse possibilities. The two main tools that Pinterest provides at this time are Rich Pins and Pinterest Analytics. In the following, we will examine these two cases further.

Better and more visibility on Pinterest using Rich Pins

Rich pins are pins that can display more information than normal pins. This option automatically places your website information on your pins. There are 3 types of Rich Pins on Pinterest.

Features and differences of Pinterest from other image networks

Using Pinterest to share content has many advantages over other social networks, including Instagram. Here are some of them:

Pinterest has no limitations in terms of image size, form and quality. Here you don’t have to pin square images with specific dimensions. For example, on Pinterest there is no problem to pin a long infographic 20000 x 500 pixels.

You can easily share the content you want on Pinterest both from the computer and through the mobile application, and there are no restrictions in this regard.

Pins are easily linked to any website or blog you want and play the role of a good call to action for you.

In many parts of the world, Pinterest is used as an advertisement site, just like Wall and Trumpet. If you have a product for sale, you can easily pin your ad link on your page and direct users to the ad website. The great feature of Pinterest is that Iranian users can use it as a place to place their ads without paying any amount.

  The absolute majority of Pinterest users are women (79%). If your business is attractive to women, don’t miss this golden opportunity.

At the end…

Pinterest is a rich collection of various knowledge, skills and arts that are arranged together in the most attractive way possible. If you are interested in social networks, you will definitely be interested in Pinterest. The unique features of this network, especially the ability to link and the lack of restrictions on the dimensions of images, have given an opportunity to smart and creative users to use social networks in a different and special way to promote their content and business. And now you know about this opportunity. So, if you have never been active on Pinterest, create your account right now and start marketing your content like a professional.

Did I miss a point? Are you a Pinterest user and know something about it that wasn’t covered here? In your opinion, how effective is advertising and publishing content on Pinterest in our country? We are waiting for your comments.

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