
In this article, we will talk about the history of AutoCAD from the past and its ups and downs. AutoCAD is an application software that was presented by Autodesk to the world of design, which, as its name suggests (computer-aided design) (CAD), made drawing on the computer possible. This software is used to create 2D and 3D images. This software allows users to implement their conceptual ideas, design and draw maps with the required technical accuracy and even perform design calculations and simulations in a wide range of industries very quickly. Follow us as a designer.

This software is among the old software in the field of mapping. The first version of the software was written in 1981 based on a design by Mike Riddle called Micro Cad.

The production of this software led a group of sixteen people to establish Autodesk and release the first version of AutoCAD to the market in 1982. One of the most important features of this software was the ability to install it on PC computers. . Because the existing CAD software until then could only be installed on large computers and these computers were only found in large companies. Since this software was released to the market by Autodesk, it is known as AutoCAD among users, and since then, the evolution of this software continues as a classic and reliable software. The software is part of the engineering design software that is used to draw industrial, building, etc. maps. . . is used The term CAD stands for the following words: Computer Aided Drafting

Although this software is not a unique tool for a cartographer, but due to its power and capabilities, it was used in drawing two-dimensional and limited three-dimensional maps. Drawing 3D maps accurately and at high speed, it can also be used to prepare basic models in graphics and animation programs. The new versions of this software offer many features such as programming The support of graphic images, direct connection with the Internet, communication of several users while working, connection to databases and management of mapping projects have turned it into a strong and popular software in the industry.

Tokad is a software that is used to draw engineering and industrial maps and allows people to easily design their desired map in the virtual environment. This software was a product of the American company Autodesk. In the field of 2D and 3D software development, this company has introduced different products to the market, in addition to AutoCAD, another popular and famous product is Maya and 3dsmax software, which are widely used in the field of animation. Civil engineering students must have learned how to work with this software in order to receive their university degree and work with it in the final exam under the supervision of experienced professors. AutoCAD software can be considered as a very suitable replacement for the table and other drawing tools because you have all the tools and drawing tools in its environment and you can easily design the desired map in a simulated environment, even You can use completely free tools that you cannot buy because of the high price. In different countries of the world, this software is used to design various projects, including internal and external construction designs, internal and external structural spaces, automotive, aviation, ships and passenger and warships industries, military industries and huge architectural buildings and Building and many other types of commercial and residential designs are used.

This software is one of the most common and important design and drawing software. At the same time, this software has many features due to its simplicity, which has made it widely used in the industry. Despite the fact that the Mechanical Desktop software is considered as a They know two-dimensional design software, but this software shows its great abilities for three-dimensional design.

It can be said that the Mechanical desktop software is one of the most widely used design and drawing software in our country. Of course, industrial AutoCAD should not be forgotten. In most companies and homes where drawing or design work is done, this software is used as the main software. It works. Comprehension of this software is one of the priorities needed by mechanical engineering students. In other words, it can be said that this software is one of the first softwares that a student should learn in the field of design and drawing.

Many students think that despite newer software such as Catia, this software no longer pays attention to its efficiency from data to its learning, but upon entering the work environment, they realize that this software is still the most common due to the features mentioned for it. Software is in the industry.

The first AutoCAD software for personal computers

The history of AutoCAD is such that it has been available in the market for personal computers since 1982. This means that AutoCAD existed before Photoshop or even Microsoft Windows! Before AutoCAD, commercial CAD programs in the 1970s ran on mainframes or minicomputers, with each user working at a separate graphics terminal. If the designers did not have access to it, they had to use the old drawing tables and T ruler.

It took days and even weeks to create new versions of the maps and perform the calculations. Imagine what effort was made for technical calculations with calculators and mathematical tables! Worse than that, in the history of AutoCAD, this process has been associated with a lot of errors.

AutoCAD history and its origin

The history of AutoCAD began when the company producing AutoCAD, i.e. Autodesk, was founded in 1982 by John Walker. He and 15 other founders plan to develop 5 different desktop automation programs. They launched AutoCAD at COMDEX in Las Vegas as the world’s first CAD program to run on a computer. By March 1986, just four years after its introduction, AutoCAD had become a widely used application worldwide, which is recorded in AutoCAD history.

In the last 35 years, AutoCAD has developed dramatically. In fact, there have been 31 copies since the first release in December 1982! Over the years, Autodesk has added new features and programs to satisfy different professions. This software supports APIs for customization and automation that enable the creation of vertical products such as AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical and AutoCAD Civil 3D. In the past five years, Autodesk has developed mobile and cloud-based applications, including AutoCAD 360, Fusion 360 and A360 Viewer. These programs have the ability to share over the Internet, which is unprecedented in the history of AutoCAD.


The main industry in which AutoCAD is used is construction. Autodesk Building Design Suite is a powerful example of 3D design software that provides Building Information Modeling (BIM) and CAD for design, visualization, simulation and more efficiency in construction.

An example of how AutoCAD was able to help a project succeed is the construction of the Shanghai Tower, which is considered a big event in the history of AutoCAD. This tower has a vast complex structure and the engineers realized very soon that traditional construction methods and other design software are not capable of carrying out such a project. Therefore, the engineers turned to the advanced tools provided by BIM, which allowed the design team to visualize the tower in 3D and fully explore the rotating structure of the tower.

Using BIM also allows the design team to analyze the design for better decision making; Check the energy consumption of the building to create an environmentally friendly skyscraper and save on the consumption of building materials. The owner and developer of the tower approves BIM and AutoCAD to have a successful construction. “From the building owner’s and employer’s perspective, BIM is an excellent tool for design, construction, management and control of the entire project investment,” he says.


It is not only in the construction sector that AutoCAD is commonly used: entertainment producers can create high-quality entertaining content using 3D animation software. A set of specialized creative tools that form flexible and modern graphic pipelines, allows animators, visual artists and designers to overcome the limitations of their creativity, increase their productivity and take advantage of opportunities.

The name of the versions versionsorderDate of ReleaseDescription
AutoCAD Version 1.0۱٫۰۱1982, DecemberDWG R1.0 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.2۱٫۲۲1983, AprilDWG R1.2 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.3۱٫۳۳1983, AugustDWG R1.3 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.4۱٫۴۴1983, OctoberDWG R1.4 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.0۲٫۰۵1984, OctoberDWG R2.05 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.1۲٫۱۶1985, MayDWG R2.1 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.5۲٫۵۷1986, JuneDWG R2.5 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.6۲٫۶۸1987, AprilDWG R2.6 file format introduced. Last version to run without a math co-processor.
AutoCAD Release 9۹٫۰۹1987, SeptemberDWG R9 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 10۱۰٫۰۱۰1988, OctoberDWG R10 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 11۱۱٫۰۱۱1990, OctoberDWG R11 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 12۱۲٫۰۱۲1992, JuneDWG R11/R12 file format introduced. Last release for  til 2010.
AutoCAD Release 13۱۳٫۰۱۳1994, NovemberDWG R13 file format introduced. Last release for UnixMS-DOS and Windows 3.11.
AutoCAD Release 14۱۴٫۰۱۴1997, FebruaryDWG R14 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2000۱۵٫۰۱۵1999, MarchDWG 2000 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2000i۱۵٫۱۱۶2000, July 
AutoCAD 2002۱۵٫۶۱۷2001, June 
AutoCAD 2004۱۶٫۰۱۸2003, MarchDWG 2004 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2005۱۶٫۱۱۹2004, March 
AutoCAD 2006۱۶٫۲۲۰2005, MarchDynamic Block introduced.
AutoCAD 2007۱۷٫۰۲۱2006, MarchDWG 2007 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2008۱۷٫۱۲۲2007, MarchAnnotative Objects introduced. AutoCAD 2008 and higher (including AutoCAD LT) can directly import and underlay DGNV8 files.
AutoCAD 2009۱۷٫۲۲۳2008, MarchRevisions to the user interface including the option of a Microsoft Office 2007-like tabbed ribbon.
AutoCAD 2010۱۸٫۰۲۴2009, March 24DWG 2010 file format introduced. Parametrics introduced. Mesh 3D solid modeling introduced. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010 are compatible with and supported under Microsoft Windows 7.
AutoCAD 2011۱۸٫۱۲۵2010, March 25Surface Modeling, Surface Analysis and Object Transparency introduced. October 15, 2010[۱] AutoCAD 2011 for Mac was released. Are compatible with and supported under Microsoft Windows 7
AutoCAD 2012۱۸٫۲۲۶2011, March 22Associative Array, Model Documentation. Support for complex linetypes in DGN files is improved in AutoCAD 2012. DGN editing.
AutoCAD 2013۱۹٫۰۲۷2012, March 27DWG 2013 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2014۱۹٫۱۲۸2013, March 26File Tabs, Design Feed, Reality Capture, Autodesk Live Maps
AutoCAD 2015۲۰٫۰۲۹2014, March 27Line smoothing (anti-aliasing), Windows 8.1 support added, dropped Windows XP support (incl. compatibility mode)
AutoCAD 2016۲۰٫۱۳۰2015, MarchNew physically based path tracing render engine replaces previous one

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