

Due to my expertise in the field of branding, I examine most of the big brands in the world, where exactly they came from and what was the reason for their growth.

Here I am writing a brief description of the Instagram social network, a network where everyone from a lawyer, minister, doctor to a simple shop worker has an account and uses it today. It is not bad to know exactly what is the history of this social network and where did it come from?

History of Instagram

Instagram was launched for the first time in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreger, this social network gained so much popularity from the very beginning that within two years, from 2010 to 2012, the number of users reached 100 million.

Instagram’s growing trend prompted Facebook to buy the app for $1 billion in cash and stock in 2012. In that year, many Facebook managers considered the amount of this transaction and this amount of capital to be very high and crazy, but this strange development of Instagram managed by Mark Zuckerberg and reaching about 1 billion users is news of Mark Zuckerberg’s high intelligence and his underestimation by It gave the shareholders of Facebook.

In what year did Instagram enter Iran?

Since the early years of Instagram, which was released in both Android and IOS versions, it became popular among the people of Iran. After launching its platform on its website, Instagram also released the first version of its application on the IOS operating system and because at the beginning of the emergence of Instagram, Iranians rarely used iPhones and most mobile phones were either on They were on Symbian or Android operating systems. Instagram came to Iran with more delay and it is not possible to know the exact date for it, but in general, Instagram gained its popularity in Iran around 2012.

Direct entry to Instagram in 2013

In 2013, Instagram added the direct feature to this social network, which made it possible for people to send photos, videos, and messages. The addition of this feature to Instagram was a threat to other messaging apps and a kind of declaration of war with them.

Algorithm design for Timeline in 2016

In 2016, this feature was added to Instagram, which no longer displayed posts and content to the user based on the date of publication, but showed the most important items to the user first.

Appearance changes and Instagram logo in 2016

In 2016, Instagram changed its user interface and logo, which made this social network more attractive and beautiful for its users.

Added Stories section in May 2016

In May 2016, Instagram added the story feature, the story allows its users to add images with their desired text and stickers to this section. The main difference between stories and posts is that stories are automatically deleted after 24 hours if they are not deleted by the user.

Addition of LIVE section to Instagram in November 2016

Some people want to share some events live with their followers, the live feature provides this possibility for its users.

Added Stories section in May 2016

In May 2016, Instagram added the story feature, the story allows its users to add images with their desired text and stickers to this section. The main difference between stories and posts is that stories are automatically deleted after 24 hours if they are not deleted by the user.

Addition of LIVE section to Instagram in November 2016

Some people want to share some events live with their followers, the live feature provides this possibility for its users.

The addition of the IGTV section to Instagram in June 2018

Before the advent of IGTV, Instagram users were able to upload short videos of up to one minute. With the advent of this new technology, Instagram supports uploading videos up to one hour. Of course, regular users will be able to upload videos of up to 10 minutes. For many users, Instagram has become a fun social network.

The addition of store functionality to Instagram in 2020

The Instagram store feature allows you to create a catalog of your products in your business account. In this way, you can share your products in posts, stories, store section with others and users will be directed to your site to buy the product.

Countdown function in the story for the new Instagram update

You can add a countdown sticker to your Instagram stories using this feature. You can use the countdown sticker in some cases like the following:

• Announcing the publication time of your new posts

• Announcing the time of an important event such as a race, competition or…

• Remind your followers to register for an event

Post to multiple accounts on Instagram

Some businesses have multiple pages, in order to publish a post in several accounts at the same time, they can do this from the post to other accounts feature in the post details section and publish a post in several accounts at the same time.

Close Friends feature in the new Instagram update

The Close Friends option allows you to make some of your stories visible only to a list of your followers that you choose to be in your Close Friends list.

Ability to block all accounts of a specific user

In the past, you could block someone for causing trouble or sending offensive messages. But there were many times that person would come back with another account and disturb you.

To prevent this from happening, Instagram has introduced a new feature where you can block a person and all the accounts that person creates. That is, even if this person creates a new account, he still cannot send you messages or access your page.

Create backup copies of information and data

If you are worried about losing your Instagram account information, the new Instagram update feature allows you to backup your Instagram.

Ability to erase direct messages (Vanish)

Another feature of Instagram is the option of disappearing messages after a certain period of time. Instagram has provided Vanish Mode in its new update, using this feature the seen messages will disappear after leaving the chat. Only people who follow each other can use vanish mode in their conversations.

The last word

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