History of Facebook


Although Facebook is not the oldest among social networks, it is undoubtedly the most popular.  For this reason, in most books, articles and cartoons, Facebook is considered as a symbol of social networks and digital lifestyle.

Don’t confuse the Facebook company with the Facebook social network. The Facebook company has four key products:

  •  Facebook social network
  •  Facebook Messenger
  •  Whatsapp
  • Instagram

Therefore, when we talk about Facebook, we must note that we are talking about the Facebook company or the Facebook social network.

The year Facebook was founded and the history of Facebook

The Facebook social network was first designed and implemented in a simple form with the name Facemash in 2003 (+).

 This project was not very successful, and later with a change in structure and name, it was officially introduced and launched again in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and four other friends at Harvard University.

 At first, Facebook was supposed to be used only for communication among Harvard students.  But it was quickly extended to universities and other educational centers such as Stanford University and then used in high schools.

How many Facebook users are there?

In the middle of 2018, the number of active Facebook users exceeded 1.7 billion (+) and in the third quarter of 2018, the number of monthly active Facebook users was 27.2 billion.

 You may be interested to know that it is estimated that there are more than 30 million deceased profiles on Facebook (+).

Why is the base color of Facebook blue?

In the middle of 2018, the number of active Facebook users exceeded 1.7 billion (+) and in the third quarter of 2018, the number of monthly active Facebook users was 27.2 billion.

 You may be interested to know that it is estimated that there are more than 30 million deceased profiles on Facebook (+).

Because Mark Zuckerberg is color blind and does not see green and red colors well.

 He was and still is interested in seeing Facebook the way everyone else in the world sees it.

 The legal structure of the Facebook company

Since 2012, Facebook has gone public and became a public company.

 Before that, this company was managed in a private manner and those who provided its capital somehow shared in the entire company or the interests of its projects.

 The first outside investor in Facebook was Peter Thiel, who in 2004 invested about 500,000 dollars on Facebook and acquired about 10% of Facebook’s shares and became a member of Facebook’s board of directors.

 Today, Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Facebook.

Increasing popularity of Facebook

 The popularity of Facebook increased in a short period of time, and almost all university students in the United States and Canada could join it.  In June 2004, more than 250 thousand students from 34 universities were members of Facebook.

Increasing popularity of Facebook

 The popularity of Facebook increased in a short period of time, and almost all university students in the United States and Canada could join it.  In June 2004, more than 250 thousand students from 34 universities were members of Facebook.

The life of Mr. Facebook at a glance

 Mark Elliott Zuckerberg is an American programmer genius, entrepreneur and philanthropist whose success story inspires many young people.  He is the founder of Facebook and currently serves as its chairman and CEO.

 In terms of net worth, the owner of Meta (former Facebook) is in the same category as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, etc.  It is amazing that a person can achieve such greatness and success in the first decades of his life, isn’t it?

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