
YouTube is a great place to build a community, grow a brand or maybe if you’re passionate about something.

From listening pleasures to various tutorials on any topic, what is on YouTube has made everyone enthralled by the platform. YouTube gradually evolved to become the second most visited website in the world. Being ranked second in the world makes it the perfect place to build an audience, promote your business and grow your brand.

What is YouTube Creator Studio?

Basically, YouTube Creator Studio is where you can manage videos, analyze your channel’s performance, respond to comments you’ve received, and start monetizing YouTube by adding ads to your channel. Think of YouTube Creator Studio as a backbone for your channel as a place to measure, optimize, and improve your videos for better performance and growth.

in other words; Something like Google Analytics, but for video.

Where is YouTube Creator Studio located?

Go to YouTube and follow the steps below:

Click on your account name in the upper right corner.

Select Youtube Studio from the drop-down menu.

Scroll through the tabs on the left side of the screen and select the Studio option.


Dashboard is the home page of YouTube Studio, with the latest video performance metrics, recent comments, channel violations, and YouTube news displayed as various tools in the user interface, where you can get an overview of your YouTube channel’s performance.


Content, or its older name, video manager, is the go-to place for all things video-related. In this section, you can view all of your video uploads (public, unlisted, and private), enable features like monetization, and use key tips to optimize your video content.

How to optimize your YouTube videos?

Once you’ve uploaded a video to YouTube, you can edit and optimize how the video is displayed so that YouTube shows more of it based on the algorithm.

Follow these steps to edit the video:

In the Content tab, scroll and hold on a video until the pen icon appears.

Click on the pen icon to open the video editor page.

Once you’re in the editor, you can change your video details to help YouTube rank your videos and get more attention on your content.

Edit your video title.

A catchy title for a YouTube video is a great tactic to get more views and growth on the platform. Make sure to include the right keywords in your video title and remember that clever and catchy titles attract more viewers.

Edit your video description.

To encourage viewers to click and watch your video, provide a description of the video to the audience. For example, the title of a video should include keywords that your audience is searching for on YouTube.

Change your video thumbnail.

Thumbnail can have a great effect in attracting users. Using a small and attractive image can be an opportunity to accurately express the subject. Consider why a viewer should choose your video over others.

Add tags to your video.

Tags help viewers find your content better. Use keywords related to your content.

Categorize your video.

Add a category to your video that relates to the content. Although categories don’t have a huge impact on how YouTube ranks your video, it does help increase the number of users who search categories and find your video.

Important: If your video is in a special niche, categorize it as such. Niche categories have a higher chance of getting hits because you’re not competing with popular categories like personal or travel blogs.

Other functionality of the content tab

Apart from video optimization, the content section allows you to monetize your video content.

Follow these steps to learn how to monetize YouTube for specific videos:

Select the video you want to monetize.

In the Monetization section, select the On or Off menu.


If you want to pay more attention to your YouTube content, you should go to the Playlist tab to organize, create and edit your playlists. Playlists play an important role in your growth because they affect watch time, the metric YouTube uses to rank video content.

Playlists and watch time are very important because playlists are auto-play, which means that when the viewer finishes watching one video, another video starts automatically, increasing the watch time.

Important note: YouTube allows you to link related content at the end of videos. To increase the watch time of your channel, link your video to another playlist using this feature.

to analyze

YouTube Studio is packed with analytics to help you understand what works and what doesn’t in your video content so you can make informed decisions.

The two main criteria that affect how YouTube ranks video content are:

Maintain audience

Watch time

So, when you’re looking to grow your channel, consider both.

Maintain audience

Audience retention shows how many viewers continue to watch your video after it’s gone live. After 15 seconds, if the viewer has clicked on your video, YouTube will count the number of such people.

Audience retention is very important on YouTube because it tracks the points of interest in your video and shows when viewers have become disengaged from your content.

Measuring this metric shows when your audience has engaged with your content and allows you to analyze why. For example, is your introduction long? Or, when you change the topic, the viewers don’t want to watch your video anymore, or you introduce the CTA (call to action) too early in the video?

How to maintain audience on YouTube?

Specify your introduction. Make an interesting introduction for your video and arouse the interest of the viewer.

make a joke Jokely tell your audience why they should watch your video.

Be creative. Make changes like different camera angles, variety in music, and exciting visuals to get your viewers hooked from the start.

The trick to see the YouTube channel by users

Select the Analytics tab on the left side of the YouTube Studio screen.

Click on the video you want to analyze.

Scroll down to see audience retention metrics.

Watch time

Watch time refers to the total amount of time people spend watching your videos on YouTube. in other words; YouTube uses watch time as a factor to rank content; Therefore, you should look for opportunities to increase this metric to influence your content rankings and grow your YouTube channel.

Increasing the viewing time of YouTube videos by users

Increase your subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more likely they are to watch your video content and increase your watch time metrics. Include a CTA (call to action) in your videos to ask viewers to subscribe to your channel.

Create quality content. Produce high-quality content that matches your audience’s needs.

Make your video short. The right way to increase watch time is to publish shorter videos because viewers have a limited attention span, so make your videos short and concise to encourage them to watch to the end.

How to see the watch time of your channel?

Select the Analytics tab on the left side of the YouTube Studio screen.

Click on the video you want to analyze.

To view this measure, click on hours.


YouTube is a video platform and it is important to create interaction with users on your channel. Use the Comments tab in YouTube Creator Studio to quickly respond to comments.

YouTube also has a filter in the comments section that not only removes spam, but also allows you to filter comments based on number of subscribers, whether the comment contains a question, and reply status.

Tip: Filter comments to find people with high subscribers who are interested in your content and ask questions for future collaborations to help grow your channel.


Subtitles help your video retain and attract viewers. A 2019 study by Verizon found that 80% of users are more likely to watch a video if subtitles are available, and 69% are more likely to watch a video with the sound off in public places and 25% with the sound off in private places. .

In addition, because some people have hearing problems. By adding subtitles to your videos, you make your video content accessible to everyone and it helps you grow your channel even more.

copy right

This may not be interesting to many people, but you should know that you should be aware of copyright law when building and growing your YouTube channel.

In the copyright section, you can send a request to YouTube to remove your copyright-free content. For example, you made a new video about social issues that another user downloaded and reposted on their channel. Using your video by that user is a violation.

YouTube gives you the tools to report and remove videos that violate copyright so you can truly own your channel and build your brand without someone else taking down your videos.

earn money

Becoming a YouTuber and monetizing your video content is an exciting way to earn dollars.

But, there are a few things you need to do before becoming a YouTuber:

Have more than 1000 subscribers.

Have more than 4,000 hours of viewing in the last 12 months.

Live in a country where the YouTube app is not filtered.

Do not have a history of any violations in your channel.

Have a linked AdSense account.

If you have checked all the boxes, go to the Monetization tab for an overview of how to start monetizing your channel. You will have options to search for ads, create and sell goods, and set up a channel membership.


Branding is often how different products are differentiated (eg Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi) and helps establish a business in a market. Companies often use the right visual branding across all of their social media and often have a specific tone that dictates how they communicate.

YouTube is no exception to this rule. If you want to grow your channel, you need to build a strong brand, and the customization tab is the place to do that.


You can change a few things in the layout section to improve branding for your channel. For example, you can add a video spotlight, the first video someone sees upon arrival. YouTube allows you to see a different video depending on whether the visitor is a subscriber or not.

For non-subscribers as well as new subscribers, it’s a good idea to create an intro video that explains your channel, the type of videos you create, and a CTA to ask them to subscribe.

Send your latest published video to your audience. You can further customize your YouTube channel home page by adding special sections, for example, popular videos, playlists, or linking to other channels.


Be different from others and add special branding elements to your channel. For example, you can add a profile picture, special banner design and watermark to help differentiate your channel from your competitors.

Basic Information

On the Basic Info tab, you can edit these attributes and add links to direct your audience to other social networks or your website.

Audio library

The Audio Library tab in YouTube Creator Studio is the place to get free music and sound effects for the videos you monetize. This can help your channel grow a lot.


YouTube is a great platform to earn dollars. If you have thought about earning dollars from this popular platform, it’s time to get started.

I hope this article has helped you a lot in learning YouTube Creator Studio. We look forward to your comments on this article.

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