Evolution of discs


Leaving aside the era of pen and paper and printing, the life of the first machines invented by humans to store data may not even reach a century, but in this short period of time these devices have developed in a strange way. Punch cards, cassettes, floppies, CDs and DVDs quickly replaced each other, and memory capacity increased thousands of times. In this issue of Klik, we have taken a look at the evolution of storage devices or memory storage devices since the beginning.


The first means of storing information in the new age were punch cards. Punching punch cards had no advantage over writing in terms of occupying capacity and speed of data generation. The only difference between them and ordinary handwriting was that the mechanical machines of the time could read them and take their data for calculations. Punch card was invented in 1725. These cards were used in mechanical machines that performed linear sorting.


After punch cards, it was time for punch strips. For a long time, various tapes were used to store information, of which the punch tape was the first, and the same design remained common until after the cassette tape. These tapes were used in teletypes and printed telegraphs. Each row in these strips represented a character, and due to the fact that they were foldable, they stored more information than punched cards. The bar had five rows, which were later made six and seven rows.


The invention of the electron tube was a fundamental development in the history of storage devices, because this technology was completely different from its predecessors. It can be said that electron tubes were a prototype of digital memories. These tubes were 76 mm in diameter and 255 mm in length, and their insides were emptied with a vacuum pump.


In the mid-1950s, IBM first used magnetic tapes to store information, but because each roll of these tapes could hold the information of ten thousand punch cards, it gradually became common, and by the 1980s, the conventional way of storing information It became popular among the people. To make these tapes, plastic films were coated with a layer of magnetic material, at first it was only possible to record sound on these tapes, later they also saved the image on it and played it with VHS players.


Cassette tapes were no different in technology than magnetic tapes, but they became more popular than other data storage devices and filled the lives of ordinary people. The first cassette tape was made by the Philips factory in 1963, but it was in the 70s that this invention was noticed and the production and sale of cassette tapes boomed. Computers such as the Commodore 64, Spectrum, and Armstrong CPC used cassette tapes to store data. A standard 90-minute cassette tape could store anywhere from 700 kilobytes to one megabyte of data on each side of the tape.


Roller drives were invented many years ago. The first roller memory was made by Australian Gustav Tauschek in 1932, which was used as memory in a small number of computers in the 50s and 60s. In some cases, they used it as a secondary memory, which was not much noticed, but the magnetization of these memories changed them completely.


One of the most important developments in this field was the invention of the floppy disk. The first floppy disk made in 1969 was an eight-inch disk with a limited capacity of 80 kilobytes that could only read data from it. Floppies were not very efficient at first and were not economical to use, but they quickly improved, so that four years after the first floppies were produced, floppies of the same size were produced that had a capacity of 256 kilobytes and could

also be erased and other information on it. Save


The hard drive was also IBM’s idea and is still present in our lives. This data storage tool was developed long before its use became common. The first hard drive was named “RAYAMC 305”, which IBM made on September 13, 1956. They actually built a computer the size of today’s personal computers that was nothing more than a hard drive. This device could store 4.4 megabytes of information equivalent to five million characters, which was considered a very large number at that time.


Before CDs were made, laser discs were used, which looked like CDs but were slightly thicker. These discs were invented in 1958, but it took until 1972 for the first laser discs to hit the market. At first, the purpose was only to store music on CD, but later CD became an efficient tool for data storage. In 1985, the first CD-ROMs were released, and five years later, CD-writers came to the market.


DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc. DVD first came out of Japan’s Toshiba factory in 1996, but the technology was not disclosed. The secrets of this technology were revealed in 1997 and 1998, respectively, and factories in America and Europe started producing DVDs. Basically, DVD and CD have no significant difference, but the laser that is used to record data on the DVD disc has a much more advanced technology.

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