Two-dimensional design


What is two-dimensional design?

The question that arises in the minds of most people interested in graphic design is what is design and what does two-dimensional design mean? In this article, we try to explain this branch of design so that we can tell you our experiences and information so that you have a better understanding of this branch of design.

If we want to know everything about 2D design, we need to know first what is the definition of 2D design and in what space can 2D design be used. Two-dimensional design is considered a kind of computer graphics and is in the list of the oldest branches of computer science. In two-dimensional design, drawing and changing and working with images are done in computational ways, and the level of texture is very important in this section.

Computer graphics are very attractive and are also used to create animations. 2D design actually helps an image get out of the flat state and this is an important part of 2D design principles.

The question that arises in the minds of most people interested in graphic design is what is design and what does two-dimensional design mean?

In this article, we try to explain this branch of design so that we can tell you our experiences and information so that you have a better understanding of this branch of design.

What software should I choose?

Regarding the choice of software, as stated in the articles related to various types of graphic software, as well as the comparison between the giants of graphic software such as Photoshop, Corel Draw and Illustrator, you can have a better understanding of these software.

The structure of both these softwares is completely different. Although Raster hardware is called among the producers of graphic images, in fact, Raster or Bitmap graphics are editorial in nature rather than production, and their strength is in editing and filtering images rather than creating a graphic theme.

Choosing between pixel or vector-based software is the most important issue, and our suggestion is to learn both types of software and be able to work with both models.

But people who like to work on photos should learn Photoshop first, and for designers, vector software such as Corel Draw and Illustrator is the first priority.

Computer power to run two-dimensional graphics programs

Unlike 3D graphics software, 2D software usually does not require very powerful systems, and more than the need for powerful graphics cards, it involves the processor and requires a powerful processor, and then memory. Strong internal (RAM)

To work with two-dimensional graphics, there are developed software such as Photoshop – PhotoImpact – Corel Draw – Corel Painter, etc., which only work on two-dimensional graphics, and developed software such as Macromedia Flash, which are multimedia.

2D graphics are used in websites and regular software.

Who should choose 2D design?

The most important requirement for success in designing and raising the quality level of designs is individual creativity and artistic taste. If you have this characteristic, we can safely say that your chances of being a good graphic designer are high and with a little perseverance you can reach your goal.

Having knowledge of painting and artistic understanding will help you to achieve higher quality. The more you master the principles of painting and follow its rules correctly, the better and more beautiful the result will be.

Like other fields, interest will be the first word. Until you have interest and desire to design, you will not be expected to design professionally.

The designers working in the Graf Hamki advertising center are experts in two-dimensional design and have academic education in this field.

How to implement two-dimensional design?

Those who are looking for everything about 2D design have many questions about how to do it. For two-dimensional design or three-dimensional design of store decoration, graphic software is needed so that a series of necessary differences can be implemented on the work through the tools that are available.

As it is clear, in the field of how to implement two-dimensional design, it is necessary to use special editing and filtering based on a graphic creation. The selection of pixel software beam is done by vector and the used software works with a special model.

Everything about 2D design boils down to working with a computer at an advanced level. The more extensive work can be done with powerful graphic software, the better the output can be expected.

Having artistic knowledge and understanding of drawing is one of the main prerequisites for two-dimensional design. When it is supposed to take a flat image, it is necessary to know the angle of the dimension and its direction, and this option is considered an important part of everything about 2D design.

Types of two-dimensional design

Two-dimensional design has its own structure and methods. For example, if you are going to know everything about the two-dimensional design of the store, one important point is that the dimensioning of the entrance door of the store and the showcase are the most important parts, while there is also the image-based two-dimensional design, so that in order to give dimension to a The image is used from another image.

Sometimes there is content-oriented two-dimensional design, so that the graphic artist uses words or letters in a special way so that the level of a part of the environment is more specific, and this is considered the main approach of two-dimensional design. There is another important point about two-dimensional design, and that design is in a classic style.

That is, dimensioning is done only by using colors and color contrast, and neutral colors generally occupy an important part of classical principles.

There are some designs that have a combination of two dimensions and three dimensions and it is considered one of the most important principles of work. If you want to know everything about 2D design, first check the software that exists in this field.

What is 2D motion graphics?

2D motion graphics is a collection of images or vectors that are created in 2D space. Generally, logos, schematics and some designs and maps are animated in 2D to convey the most difficult messages to the audience in the best way in your business and interact with them. Contact Plasing team consultants.

What are the uses of two-dimensional motion graphics?

One of the appropriate applications of 2D motion graphics is emphasizing and highlighting the logo and brand of a company or company or introducing their products. Other applications of 2D motion graphics include the digital publication of announcements, technical guides, seminars and scientific presentations, and any other type of short film that contains a message.

Of course, motion graphics is considered one of the appropriate and practical tools for internal training of offices and organizations, or in-service training. A large number of motivational clips that you have seen online are also in this category of videos. If you are looking for a suitable method for work reports and providing information to your higher authorities; The best option is motion graphics. 2D motion graphics uses visual elements to convey the message, which makes the advertising content stay in the mind of the audience. In general, 2D motion graphics is a cost-effective and suitable method for more information impact on the audience and durability of a topic.

What are the advantages of 2D motion graphics?

2D motion graphics is considered one of the best choices for various business productions and is a popular style of combining graphic videos and advertisements. There are various points for the popularity of 2D motion graphics, the most important of which are mentioned below:

1: Being cost-effective and economical Tariff for making motion graphics

2: Order motion graphics, fast and easy

3: The possibility of editing two-dimensional motion graphics

4: Matching motion graphics with other advertising videos

5: Visualizing the data by making two-dimensional motion graphics

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