History Linkedin


Hamshahri Online: LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with more than 250 million members from more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

By connecting to this social network, users can access individuals, businesses, newspapers, new information and various perspectives that can influence their professional development.

 Familiarity with the history of Internet social networks


 Jeff Weiner is the current CEO of LinkedIn, formerly of Yahoo!  The company was founded in 2002 by Reid Hoffman and several members of the PayPal founding team.  Hoffman, who was previously the president of LinkedIn, is now the director of the company’s board of directors.  The company is headquartered in California and has offices in Chicago, New York, London and Dublin.

 LinkedIn became profitable in March 2006 and raised $103 million in capital in January 2011.

 In 2010, LinkedIn opened an international office in Dublin, Ireland, and received an investment worth 20 million dollars from a company called Tiger Global Management.  In October of the same year, Silicon Valley introduced the company as one of the top 10 companies in the list of 100 most valuable companies, and in December, the company’s stock value in private markets reached 1.575 billion dollars.

In January 2011, the company started its first public offering.  In the same year, the company’s revenue from advertising sales reached 154.6 million dollars, and it was able to surpass Twitter in this business segment.  In 2012, LinkedIn announced that its net income in the first quarter of the year compared to the first quarter of 2011 increased by about 140 percent, and the company’s income in the second quarter of the year was between 210 and 215 million dollars.


 In 2013, the LinkedIn professional network will have more than 259 million users in more than 200 countries and regions around the world.  The number of users of this social network is not comparable to other networks such as Viadeo with 50 million users and XING with 10 million users.  Every second, two people will join LinkedIn, and the number of members in this network will increase by the second.

 India, with 20 million LinkedIn users, will be recognized as the fastest growing country in 2013.

 The largest number of users of LinkedIn will belong to the United States, and residents of this country constitute 93 million users of this network.

After the United States, India was followed by Brazil with 16 million users, Great Britain with 14 million users, Canada with 9 million users, France with seven million users, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Australia each with 6 million users, and the Netherlands with five.  million people and China with four million users will make up the majority of the users of this social network.

 LinkedIn features:

 One of the goals of the LinkedIn network is to provide its users with the possibility to access a list of contact details of people they know in this network known as Connections, and users can invite anyone to add to this list.  become  However, if the invited person selects “I don’t know” or “Email” instead of accepting the invitation, it will be used against the inviting user, and if the user finds a large number of such responses, there is a risk of being restricted or  The account will be blocked.

Introduction to Social Network Analysis (SNA)

 Among other functions of this network, these options can be mentioned: having a network of business contacts and connections related to each of them, finding a job through finding recommendations from network members, finding labor from companies through introducing jobs and searching for  Valuable forces, rereading the manager’s file if they intend to be employed by individuals looking for work and searching to find a person who can provide the manager with a letter of recommendation, using a picture to determine identity, the possibility of storing jobs if the person is interested in them, following newspapers, companies and discovering  Messages about employment from them, the possibility of viewing the case of people who have checked the case of the user.

Apps and Mobile:

 The mobile version of LinkedIn was released in February 2008 so that users can access the network at any time and place.  The mobile version of this network is available in 6 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish, while the original version of LinkedIn was designed in 20 different languages.


 LinkedIn also supports online groups, as of March 29, 2012, 1 million 248 thousand 19 groups have been created in this network.  Most of these groups have been set up in relation to employment and topics related to employment and various professions are discussed in them.  These groups are managed by group leaders who have access to the email addresses of all group members, and this ability has led to an increase in the volume of e-mails sent.  Therefore, LinkedIn intends to limit the ability of group administrators to access email addresses.

 Job Search:

Users in this network have the possibility to search for companies in which they are interested in working.  By searching for a company name in the search section of LinkedIn, various statistics about that company are presented. These statistics can include the ratio of employment of men to women, the percentage of the most common positions and positions in that company, the location of the headquarters of the company, and a list of current and former employees of the company.


 LinkedIn users can endorse and support each other’s abilities and skills through the Endorse option.  This feature will also allow users to comment on each other’s profiles.  This support and verification is based on algorithms that display the possible skills of users and users cannot apply for verification of skills because an individual may be verified for skills that are not there.


The LinkedIn Influencers program was launched in October 2012 and brought together more than 300 of the world’s most successful thinkers to share their views with all users of the network.  This program is an invitation-based program that has attracted famous and successful people and senior leaders from various industries such as Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Ram Emmanuel, Jamie Dimon, Deepak Kopra, Jack Welch and Bill Gates.

 Business Units:

In Talent Solutions, companies and employers in this network pay LinkedIn money in exchange for having an official page with a special job section, creating job advertisements, access to the LinkedIn database and professional resumes.  In the Marketing Solutions section, applicants for advertising will pay the company’s fees for targeted advertising.

List services provided in this social network are:

LinkedIn Pulse: This program delivers the latest news and information related to the interests of users from around the world.

 LinkedIn Groups: In this section, users can participate in group conversations about jobs and professions and exchange information with each other.

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