
What is TYPO3? Full review of Typo 3 management system

When you want to start an internet business or have an internet site for yourself in general, you will have different methods and facilities available to you, depending on what kind of system you need from each of these available methods. use. You can use different frameworks such as Django or Ruby on Rails or go to content management systems such as WordPress and Typo3. Each of these methods has its strengths and weaknesses, and what kind of site you want to have in the end can affect your choice. In this article, we intend to introduce one of the famous and practical systems that is widely used in many countries such as Germany, and if you plan to immigrate, you can have a good job by learning it. Let’s pay.

What is TYPO3 content management system?

TYPO3 is a free and open source content management system written using the PHP programming language and released under the GNU General Public License. When a software is provided under the GNU license, it means that its users or end users have the permission to use it freely and for free, to share it and if necessary even to use it in general. change and have no restrictions.

Perhaps the fact that users have no restrictions on changing this software seems normal. But when a software goes this far and gives this permission to its users, it has actually opened the doors of development and it means that you can do anything with it. So, different versions of it have been published and this is what happened to the TYPO3 content management system and it was able to witness a good growth.

Regarding the release time of TYPO3, it should be said that this content management system is one of the oldest and almost primary CMSs, which was written 23 years ago and was first published in 1998. This surviving system of the 20th century showed good growth in the 21st century and was able to work in 51 languages ​​of the world and provide different versions, and actually from a Content Management System to Become a Content Management Framework.

TYPO3 has various good features that have made it one of the top content management systems in the list of 5 useful content management systems. Among these features, we can mention the cross-platform nature of this system, which means that you will be able to run this system on Windows and Linux operating systems, which are the two main operating systems active on the world’s servers, and follow the issue of changes in its operation. and no damage is caused.

From the point of view of the web server, it should be said that this system can work with the best and fastest web servers available, and it actually has a good position. TYPO3 can work with three web servers, Apache, Engine X, as well as IIS (if you need more information about this Windows web server, you can refer to the article What is IIS.) and therefore there will be no obstacles for it.

As we mentioned earlier, this system can fully support 51 languages, and it also has the ability to automatically determine the language based on the location used by TYPO3. This is the reason why this content management system is introduced as a good option for designing multilingual sites.

Who are the general users of TYPO3?

Regarding the number of users using TYPO3, we must say that TYPO3 itself has introduced this number of more than half a million active installations. But the information that the big website CMS Crawler introduced and obtained from the scanning of the Internet sites states that this number is around 348,000 active installations and that the sites that use TYPO3 are not more than this amount.

We will tell you what is the reason for this. It should be said that TYPO3 is a system provided by German programmers and the important thing about it is that it is very compatible with the languages ​​of the Germanic family, such as Dutch, Austrian and Scandinavian languages. Of course, this is a part of the story and the German thinking that was introduced in the implementation of this system has also played an important role in the popularity of this content management system for Germans, which has made this system popular in the entire territory of Deutschland, which includes Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Belgium. , includes Liechtenstein and Luxembourg to become a first-tier system.

Two important conclusions can be drawn from this. The first result is that we are on the side of a German system and I should not expect that our work will be done easily in it, and usually settings and working with programs and software that have the roots of German thinking have their own problems. And the second important result is that if you are thinking of immigrating to Germany and Switzerland, learning this content management system can help you get a job.

What is the architecture presented in TYPO3?

It is one of the few systems that completely separates its front-end and back-end parts, and it can be done in such a way that the back-end part can be changed and updated completely separately from the front, while the front, as It has been and will remain. The same thing is going on with the front end and these changes can be applied.

TYPO3 adopts a database separation policy and actually uses the separation of content and layout policy for its work. The meaning of this policy is that the content of the pages is stored in the relational database and their format is stored in the file system and can be combined and presented to the user as needed.

One of the biggest features that this special feature can create in TYPO3 is that the system offers the possibility of using static HTML pages whose content is dynamic, and this is one of the best and main features that make TYPO3 a system. Content management should be fast and good.

In addition to these things, it is also possible to add new features to this site using plugins, and this can have many benefits, the most important of which is that new features can be added without damaging the previous features.

What are the benefits of using TYPO3?

In general, we can say about the benefits of a content management system that advances web design and reduces the duration of the project. It can also be said that it offers a well-crafted and well-built architecture that also has good support and we don’t have to worry about unforeseen security bugs and errors.

But in this section, we want to talk about these general things and we are going to see what are the special features of TYPO3 that made it a successful system among other systems. In general, these benefits can be categorized as follows:


One of the most important features that can be introduced as a good and useful advantage for TYPO3 is its modularity, which gives good features to this content management system. A website is a completely dynamic web application and always needs to be changed. When you want to design and implement a website, having an integrated system and tampering with any of its parts will destroy the whole system, it will not be interesting at all and it can be troublesome. But in the case of TYPO3, we must say that these issues have been fixed in general.

When one of the elements in TYPO3 has a problem, we must keep in mind that fixing and fixing this problem will not harm other parts, and we can rest assured about this.

The possibility of using plugins

Another advantage of TYPO3 is that this content management system allows the design and use of plugins. In fact, we can introduce this possibility as one of the subsets of the modular capabilities of this system. If you take a look at the content management systems that use plugins, you will realize that they all have their good positions, and in fact, it should be said that the more plugins, the better! And the WordPress system is a testament to this proverbial misplaced change that we ruined!

In the case of TYPO3, it is also possible for you to use its plugins and set up your site the way you want. Nearly 6000 plugins have been written for the TYPO3 content management system, all of which are free and will give you good features. Although this number is significantly less compared to systems like WordPress and Joomla. But again, good features are provided with these plugins, and by editing them, you can implement all the required features.

Flexible management

Many content management systems have their own problems in working with management roles and it can be said that there is a contradiction in this case. Regarding the TYPO3 system, it should be said that there is a set of completely flexible management accesses that can be used to define roles, each of which has specific accesses, and working with these accesses is easy and hassle-free.

The above data type

You can see that the core of TYPO3 implements all the different information for you and by default you can use audio, image, text, various tables and other fonts and data types without the need for any plugins in this content management system.

Structure of pages outside the block

Another advantage that this operating system gives you is that you can break the block structure that exists on many systems and work outside of it, and you will actually have a large screen that you can use anywhere in any way. design

In fact, these blocks are one of the good structures in this field, but leaving this structure can be useful in some cases.

What are the disadvantages of Typo3?

Every platform or program has its advantages and disadvantages, and if we want to say where these disadvantages come from, it must be said that in order to obtain powerful advantages, it is necessary to sacrifice items and features that conflict with them, and these issues can be defects. to create Of course, if we are on the side of a strong architecture, we can minimize these disadvantages and defects, which in the case of Typo3 can almost be said to be well done, and if we want to say what are the disadvantages of the Typo3 content management system, there are many things from a technical point of view. It will not be in front of us.

In general, we can mention the following issues regarding the disadvantages of Typo3:

Difficulty in installation and operation

One of the biggest problems that have caused many users to run away from this bone-headed and long-standing content management system is the problems and hassles of setting up a site with it. When you go to install this content management system, you will see that you have a complicated task in front of you and it cannot be compared to the simple installation of systems like WordPress and Joomla.

Need a professional programmer

Another problem that can be mentioned is the need for professional programmers to manage the site. A case that can be easily solved in a WordPress site with a few simple clicks, in the Typo3 content management system, you need high-level and relatively complex coding, which can be troublesome.

If you don’t have a programming force that can be responsible for this site and work on it almost full-time, or you can’t hire such a force, it’s better to think of another platform for your site.

Limited plugins

One of the features that Typo3 has is that it is plugin-oriented and different features can be added to the site using plugins, although in this case we must say that the plugins provided for this content management system are few plugins and the number is much less than Systems like WordPress and Joomla or even Drupal are included.

Of course, you have the possibility to implement the plugins you need yourself, but it must be said that this work is quite time-consuming and complicated, and the purpose of plugins is to make the work faster, and if we are going to design our own plugins, the work will be even more complicated. .

Few formats

Generally, content management systems that allow the use of plugins are presented as template-oriented, which means that a specific appearance and features can be applied to them, which are applied to the main body of the entire site, and give us the presentational appearance of the site and many features. They simulate. Regarding the status of these templates in Typo3, we must say that this system supports and uses templates well, but the templates that are available for use are very few, and it seems that the designers do not want to create different and diverse templates for this content management system. .


One of the differences between Typo3 and WordPress is security, and here it is surprising to say that Typo3 can surpass WordPress in terms of security. In this regard, it should be said that Typo3 is an older and more experienced content production system than WordPress, and there are few systems that can act as Typo3 security. Typo3 has gone so far in the security issue that it has sacrificed many things such as ease of use and it can be said that it has provided one of the most secure systems in the world.

Simplicity in use

One of the things that can affect the function and future of the site is how easy it will be to work with it and to what extent the features that are needed on the site can be implemented simply and quickly. In this context, it should be said that a system that can compete with WordPress has not yet been created, and in terms of its simplicity of operation and user comfort, WordPress is the best option in all site design and management systems.

We can say exactly the opposite about Typo 3 and we are on the side of the most difficult and difficult system that exists. If all experts and site designers want to agree on Typo3 in one field, it will certainly be difficult to work with it, and it can be said that even installing and setting it up is a troublesome task. In addition to the features that WordPress provides you with a few simple clicks and through the site settings, Typo3 requires a lot of coding and it must be said that the Typo3 system is considered one of the complex systems. This is the reason for the unpopularity of this system in the world, which we have already talked about.

When you work with a smooth and comfortable system, with little energy you can implement what you expect from the site and go to other tasks that are done to increase efficiency. But if we want to say what is the situation of Typo3, it should be said that a simple task can take your time, and as a result, many activities that are necessary to increase efficiency remain, and the time that can be spent on the efficiency of a WordPress site, in Typo3 only Will keep the site up and running.

Plugins and templates

Regarding the plugins and templates provided for the Typo3 content management system, we must say that this system has very few plugins and templates that can’t compete with WordPress at all, and if you want to implement various features on your site, you have to start coding yourself. Do the programming. The existence of a weak user community and the lack of a large market for WordPress has caused few plugins to be provided for Typo3, and its templates do not have the necessary power and dynamics, and compared to WordPress, they cannot be counted on at all.

Development cost

Another thing that every site manager should pay attention to and is very important will be the costs that your site has. Note that we used a free system to launch our site! Does this mean that we don’t have to pay any more?! The answer to this question is unequivocally no, and it should be kept in mind that the development of the site and making it bigger requires you to develop the free system you have. At the beginning, you might think that you are a programmer yourself and you will do it.

But it should be kept in mind that the further you go, you will realize that it is better to entrust each part to an expert and focus on one thing like the general professional programmers, and if you want to do everything yourself, it will not have the necessary quality. It does not give us the desired performance. So you should always keep in mind that after some time you want to develop your site and add new modules to it. In this case, it should be said that the cost of programming in Typo3 will cost you much more than the cost of WordPress development.

Although both of these content management systems are based on the PHP programming language and a developer and programmer can work for both of them, the amount of salary and manpower you hire for WordPress, with a manpower that can overcome the flaws of Typo3 It will be completely different and few programmers have the expertise to do it. So we can definitely say that Typo3 will cost you more to develop.

Educational Resources

Another important and main element that we should mention regarding the difference between WordPress and Typo3 is the educational resources that exist for these two systems. If you do a short search on the Internet about WordPress training, you will find a lot of content. This is despite the fact that if you go to Typo3 training in Farsi, you will find almost nothing useful, and the situation is not much different in the case of English. Most of the Persian and English tutorials and resources you can find on the Internet for Typo3 are old and not very useful.

Of course, it’s not that Typo3 doesn’t have fans and training for it is not available, there are generally good and professional trainings in German, and if you learn from these trainings, you can have good resources that will help you. did Otherwise, we should consider Typo3 as one of those cases where nothing can be found for its users, and in this case it will fall behind WordPress.

In general, if we want to have an evaluation on the WordPress content management system and Typo3, we must say that both of these systems are powerful content management systems with a history, but the difficulty of working with Typo3 has caused it to be marginalized and in terms of modules and educational resources fall behind and as a result the cost of working with it will increase and no one will go to it. If you intend to use this system to launch your site. It is better to think about everything and include these things in your decisions.


In this article, we fully investigated what the TYPO3 content management system is and what it does for us, and we saw what features this German system works with. We can introduce TYPO3 as one of the most important and popular systems welcomed in Europe, and about it we must say that learning it can be a good help to find a job in German-speaking countries as well as to get international projects. Regarding the features of TYPO3, we also said that this system works well in providing management access and the ability to use plugins can implement almost any structure that is needed.

Although this system is strong and efficient, if you are looking to design and implement your site with it, it is better to hold back and do a little more research about it. This system is considered one of the most difficult to use and it can be said that the implementation of many features is different in it. So, if your expectation from the content management system is a good and smooth system like WordPress, we must say that TYPO3 does not give it to you and you should look for other options.

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