
What is black hat SEO?

In SEO or search engine optimization terms, black hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not the human audience. However, they usually do not follow the guidelines of the search engines, but try to pretend to deceive the search engines and make it seem that they have followed their rules. Some examples of black hat SEO techniques are keyword stuffing, invisible text (hiding), landing pages, adding irrelevant keywords to page content, buying backlinks and duplicate content, or page swapping (changing a web page entirely after from ranking by search engines).

What are the methods of black SEO?

Black hat SEO refers to techniques and methods that use unprincipled methods and by violating the rules to increase the site’s rank. The word “black hat” is generally used in the computer space to refer to people who engage in malicious activities such as hackers and virus producers. Implementing black hat SEO will increase your ranking in the short term, but in the long term, it will have a negative impact on your site and you will be penalized by search engines, which will require a lot of time and effort to compensate. For example, Google may put your website in the sandbox or even deindex the site. In contrast to black hat SEO, which deals with methods that are contrary to Google’s point of view, white hat SEO deals with methods that are implemented based on Google’s standards and guidelines, and doing it not only helps the site’s SEO, but is also a problem from the point of view of Google does not have and Google supports these methods.

Why should we not use black hat SEO?

Black hat techniques are very dangerous for the site because they are usually detected sooner or later. As a result of these techniques, a website can be removed or penalized. This punishment usually includes a sudden and severe drop in the ranking of the site or page, and in rare cases, the complete removal of the site from the search results page has been observed. This ban is the kiss of death because if a business is hit with such a fine, no one will be able to find it online anymore and its natural traffic will essentially drop to zero. Imagine what this drastic decrease in traffic will do to the sale of the site!

How to avoid black SEO?

In order to avoid black hat SEO, we must observe the following:

Don’t buy backlinks and let the backlinks flow naturally to your site. You can also use report writing instead.

Produce pure and first class content.

Focus on the audience and their needs.

Speed ​​up your website.

Pay utmost attention to the UI/UX of your website pages.

In this article, we introduce black hat SEO techniques. Black hat SEO techniques are not limited to the techniques in this article. But by following the tips of this article, the permanence of the site’s rank can be guaranteed. Black hat SEO techniques are techniques of SEO in which the quick ranking of the site in the search engine is a priority and no effort is made to attract the real audience. Black SEO methods are very fast and very unstable. Black hat SEO is the cheapest form of SEO and does not require special expertise. Many black hat SEOs do not add content to the site at all. They increase the site’s rank in search engines only with methods that are not approved by Google.

Introduction of black hat SEO techniques

Unrelated keywords

Avoid: adding irrelevant catchy words just to increase the audience of your pages

Example: Bahram Radan uses our company’s vacuum cleaner.

Do: Focus on a specific topic so users know what to look for.

Example: The vacuum cleaner produced by our company is capable of removing dust, debris, and animal hair. But it is not able to suck liquids.

Keyword stacking

Avoid: repeating keywords to the extent that it reduces the readability of the content. or many photos with a keyword in the ALT attribute

Example: using keywords: photo frame, photo frame, photo, frame, photo photo, frame frame

Do: Write sentences that make sense. Keep the density of keywords reasonable in these sentences. Use similar words instead of keywords in the text.

Example: Our picture frame service can be used in different sizes so that customers can take pictures in any size with confidence.

Low text, hidden text, hidden link

Avoid: placing illegal texts under the main text in such a way that they cannot be read due to the same color as the background. Avoid placing text and linked photos in such a way that they are not recognizable.

Example: In this sentence, the illegal word is the same color as the background.

Do: Write content that will be read by a real audience. Increase the contrast of the text and background and distinguish your links from the rest of the text with a color.


Avoid: Having different content for the real audience and search engines, in this case the user enters your site by searching in the search engine for a specific keyword. that there is practically no content related to the searched word on your site.

Example: Users search for the term Christmas sale and in the search results they see the term special Christmas sale and click on it and come across a website design company.

Do: Be honest when generating content and keywords.

Example: the user searches for the term “flatbed service” and is directed directly to the Lyco site.

Transition pages or related pages

Avoid: creating a page with many keywords that transfer the user to irrelevant pages with the help of Java codes and meta tags.

Example: a page with titles: Earthquake in a city, how the fault of that city is activated. How long will the aftershocks of that city last,… it is created and gets a rank in Google and when the user clicks on the site link. You will be transferred to the watch sales page.

Do: Make your landing pages and description pages attractive and choose their content carefully.

Example: On the landing page for an advertising campaign for a furniture sales site, categorize types of comfortable furniture. So that the customer can easily choose his favorite category. Categories can be by price, having and not having wood in the work view, and so on.

Bait and switch or page changer

Avoid: creating a page and getting rank for it and then completely changing the content of that page

Example: a page with the sale of comfortable furniture is the first rank in Google, and after clicking on it, we come across the page for the sale of steel furniture.

Do: Update pages from time to time. But do not make fundamental changes to the page.

Example: Add new examples or new work samples to the bottom of the page. For example, on the sale page of comfortable furniture, add new models to the page.

Copied content or related sites

Avoid: Avoid copying your own and others’ content on the site’s pages. Nowadays, users always open the link in the browser and after an initial comparison, they choose their favorite page. Search engines also become more sensitive to copied content with each update.

Example: Website articles are copied on the author’s own site to increase audience.

Do: Shorten quotes from other sites and write original site content.

Example: In an article about the quality of furniture foam, you can copy the same article or write a unique article about the technical characteristics of furniture foam.

Spam blogs or Splogs

Avoid: Creating a robot to generate blog text with keywords to increase blog rank and increase blog ads and earn money from ads.

Example: writing a robot that randomly generates the words earthquake and fault in a random text with different tags. To post on a blog

Do: Spend time creating quality content for blog pages

Example: Translation of articles related to ILD (Foam Flexibility Index) of furniture foams to add to the article explaining the quality of seating foams of a furniture sales site.

Spam blogs or spam comments

Avoid: Adding links to blogs to increase the number of links received by the site. Avoid putting links in the comments.

Example: Create a lot of blogs for a furniture sales site and link to the site.

Do: Leave comments on your own blogs to encourage others to do the same.

Example: Can we see a photo of this model with blue fabric?

Getting backlinks as spam

Avoid: exchanging links with unrelated blogs

Example: Using the visibility of sites that have linked to us to backlink them.

Do: Find quality blog writers and invite them to write content.

Example: getting a guest post or outsourcing the content of company blogs

Ping Spam or Sping or Pingback Spam PIngback Spam

Avoid: using the ping service several times per minute to create the illusion that the content of the site is new.

Example: producing robots to use the ping service to pretend that the links are new

Do: For when blog content is published. Notify users that a new article has been posted on the site.

Example: activating the messaging feature for new content and comments on the company’s blog.

Referral spam

Avoid: Avoid using sites that create an unrealistic audience for the site and show the number of audience visits higher than the actual level.

Example: creating links that automatically direct the user to the site we want. Like pop-ups that open when you click on links.

Do: Make the content of the link more attractive so that the user will actually want to click on it.

Example: Instead of writing an advertising text: selling Dr. Watson’s shoes, use the phrase “selling standard medical shoes” or “selling unique shoe models” or “new models of Dr. Watson’s shoes” and use sentences like these. .

Link farm

Avoid: Avoid turning your site into a link farm to earn money.

Example: Getting excessive advertising for the site and turning the site into a source of income through advertising

Do: Give few external links to related sites.

Example: A furniture sales site can link to an interior decoration site and vice versa

Some examples of black hat SEO techniques

1. Automatically generated content: Generate content automatically

2. link schemes: exchanging or buying links for the site

3. Creating pages with little or no original content: Creating many pages with little or invalid content

4. Cloaking: Literally, it means wrapping and hiding, and the purpose is to create pages in two different versions, one for users and one for search engine robots.

5. Sneaky redirects: Changing the route and redirecting users secretly

6. Hidden text or links: Using hidden texts or links

7. Doorway pages: Creating multiple pages with low quality and using these pages as a gateway to a specific page

8. Scraped content: creating content just by scraping the contents of other sites

9. Affiliate programs: participating in the sale of products and services of other sites by completely copying the content of the same site without adding any additional and useful content to them.

10. Irrelevant keywords: filling the pages of the site with keywords

11. malicious behavior: creating pages for the purpose of vandalism, such as installing Trojans or spreading viruses, etc.

12. Abusing rich snippets markup: abusing or overusing rich snippets

13. Sending automated queries to Google: Sending automated queries to Google to manipulate and change the site’s ranking in the search results.

14. Meta tag stuffing: Embedding meta tags and stealing them from other internet sites

15. Mirror websites: Mirror websites and creating similar sites to improve the site’s ranking

16. Page Hijacking: Hijacking and using the content of other sites


Black hat SEOs, gray hat SEOs, white hat SEOs each have strategies to achieve high search rankings. In black hat SEO, all solutions are created based on the use of weaknesses and holes in search engine algorithms. Due to the fact that search engine algorithms are updated quickly, sites with black hat SEO may face problems in the future. Using black SEO methods will destroy your website and brand in the long run, so black SEO is not used by reputable websites and brands whose site address is important to them. According to our advice, one of the most important issues that you should keep in mind when choosing an SEO project manager is this, and you should pay attention to what method the person or company who wants to do your SEO activities uses and whether they can do it. In the long term and using white SEO methods, it will improve your site or not. Pay attention to the fact that Google always fights with black SEO by developing and improving its algorithms, and black SEO methods do not have the necessary durability in search engine results.

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