
What is the Big Commerce store builder and who is it useful for?

The variety of choices for building an online shop has really increased. BigCommerce store builder is one of these choices. In this article, we have examined this system from zero to one hundred and tried to examine its differences with other store builders such as WooCommerce.

A shared store builder, with great benefits and features for small businesses! We are talking about Big Commerce, one of the most popular stores in the world. In this article, we are going to take this store builder under the microscope, check its sub-web together and see what businesses it is suitable for.

What is BigCommerce?

 ( is a platform with which you can build an online store. This system is a SaaS (Software As A Service) store builder; That means you have to pay a monthly subscription fee for the software services you receive.

You don’t need to buy hosting or use other software to build an online store with Big Commerce; This store builder provides you with a complete package of everything you need to set up a store.

The simple and user-friendly interface of this store builder has made it an ideal option for beginners who do not have much experience in website design and management.

How does the Big Commerce store builder work?

Big Commerce has an entire cloud infrastructure; That is, you don’t need to download any file or software to use this store builder. Just create an account on BigCommerce and choose a domain name.

After that, BigCommerce allows you to start managing your site. Of course, the process of completing the profile is not as simple as you think. In the meantime, you should arrange some tasks, such as sending products and databases to Big Commerce or specifying tax rates and other financial services.

It goes without saying that this store builder provides one of the most secure payment processors to its customers.

What is the difference between WooCommerce and BigCommerce?

BigCommerce is known among store builders for its simple user interface. With BigCommerce, you can easily set up your online store in a few hours.

But you should note that BigCommerce doesn’t work exactly like open source store builders. This means that in BigCommerce you cannot make changes in the store builder codes and this possibility is in the hands of the people working in BigCommerce.

But in WooCommerce, your hand is completely open and you can apply all the changes you want in the WooCommerce code. On the other hand, WooCommerce is free and most compatible with WordPress sites.

A look at the features of Big Commerce

BigCommerce has advantages over its competitors, which we have discussed below.

Coordination with POS device

Big Commerce provides users with the option to receive payment more than any other store builder. This feature allows online stores or online shops with high traffic to easily track payments and not have any problems in this regard. BigCommerce even allows your online store customers to make payments using their digital wallets such as Amazon Wallet or Internet banks such as PayPal.

Various options for transportation

Big Commerce has thought about one of the biggest concerns of online store owners, namely product transportation. For this reason, in addition to the tools that the service provides to its users to make the transportation process easier, it allows them to receive significant discount codes from the largest and most important transportation systems in America by downloading the new application of this store maker.

Abandoned shopping cart recovery

Instead of you, BigCommerce pays attention to those customers who have placed a shopping cart, but have not completed their purchase.

BigCommerce’s solution to bring these users back to your store and convert them into customers is email marketing. BigCommerce sends an email to these users and invites them to finalize their ready shopping cart.

The statistics provided by BigCommerce on the conversion rate of these users to customers are really interesting.

Support for various programs

As we said above, Big Commerce offers users many options on its service. This variety of services makes users less need to add additional services to the program.

In addition to the default services, Big Commerce Store Builder has a separate store that covers other user needs. This store is very proprietary and its plans are for BigCommerce online store owners.

Advantages and Disadvantages of BigCommerce

Let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of Big Commerce in a coherent manner.


Flexibility in CMS selection

If you like to use BigCommerce services, but at the same time you use WordPress to manage the content of your site, this possibility is provided for you. BigCommerce allows its users to migrate their site to WordPress if they wish.

free domain

If you wish, you can get the desired domain from Big Commerce with the extension at the very beginning of the work; It’s completely free! Of course, BigCommerce also allows you to search and register your desired domain name and extension for a fee.

Free demo

Big Commerce, like many other SaaS, allows its users to use the program for free for some time and to purchase a subscription if they wish.

Help improve SEO

BigCommerce will automatically perform some SEO actions for your store and handle some optimizations to help its users and the stores built with BigCommerce to be more visible.

For example, when you upload a photo to the site, tools within the platform will automatically optimize the size of the photos without compromising their quality.

Help improve the user experience on mobile

In addition to the many styles that Big Commerce provides you so that you can have a site with your favorite design, these styles are all optimized for mobile users.


Definitely, the disadvantages of this store builder are much less than its advantages; If it wasn’t like that, it wouldn’t be one of the most popular store builders in the world.

Sales ceiling

One of Big Commerce’s policies is to change the user’s plan in relation to income. If the annual income of users exceeds a certain amount, the plan chosen by them will be upgraded automatically. This can be difficult for people who still have trouble managing expenses.

Relatively high cost of plans

Since an online store can be set up for free, buying a BigCommerce subscription can seem expensive.

WooCommerce or BigCommerce? which one is better?

In fact, it is impossible to decide in one word whether WooCommerce or BigCommerce is better. In the following, we have examined some of the basic areas that distinguish these two products.


WooCommerce is an open source store builder and you can make any changes you like in its code. But on the other hand, this same freedom of action may be confusing for some newcomers in this field, and instead of an advantage, it may be one of the disadvantages of WooCommerce for this category. On the other hand, Big Commerce has eliminated these complications for its users by preparing the tasks and ready features on its service.


WooCommerce is completely free and you don’t need to pay anything to use it, but you need to pay a monthly subscription to use BigCommerce.

Compatibility with WordPress

WooCommerce itself is one of the eldest children of WordPress and in terms of compatibility, it is the best option for building an online store. But if you have BigCommerce and you want to promote your site on WordPress, you will not face any problem.

Plugins and additional programs

Comparing Big Commerce and WooCommerce in this field is a difficult task; Because WooCommerce has the most diversity in plugins and its audience can find and install almost any plugin they want without any worries. On the other hand, BigCommerce is known for the ready-made features and services it provides to its users. If you have built your online store with BigCommerce, you will have no problem finding the features you want.

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